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How to Open Garage Doors Manually

12/13/2014 Back To Blog

Most certainly, we all want automatic garage doors but that doesn't mean we don't want to have the option to open them manually as well. If you look a little closer at the UL 325 safety regulations for electric openers, you will notice that having an emergency release cord is a must. What will happen if someone is trapped under the door the exact minute the power goes out? What will you do if the reverse mechanism fails to work, the system is jammed but you still need to open the door to free somebody? This is the reason why this red cord is named emergency release cord. It is your practical solution during emergencies.

Be careful when disconnecting the opener

How to Open Garage Doors ManuallyThe emergency rope can be useful even in less tragic times. When there is a problem with the electric garage door opener but you still have to get to work on time, your only choice will be to open the door manually. This is easy! For most openers, you just have to pull the red rope down and toward the opener. This releases the operator from the door and you can open the door manually.


  • Do not disconnect the opener if the door is in its opening position and especially if someone is underneath. If the garage door springs are damaged, the door will collapse.
  • When the opener is released, you can open it. If you have a hard time opening the door, it's a sign that the springs are damaged or already broken. In this case, you must not attempt to open the door because you will strain your back. Even if the overhead door would open, it wouldn't stay up without the power of springs and will be a safety hazard.
  • In case you lock your door, make sure it is unlocked before you disconnect the opener.

When you want to reengage the electric operators, you just have to follow the same instructions backwards. You have to pull the rope again but this time toward the door. Then, press the wall button a few times to reengage the opener. Make sure the door is in its closing position when you reconnect the opener.

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